Poland is going to organise next EUPST II course 19-25 September 2017
Poland is going to organise next EUPST II course focused on cross-cutting issues related to MMA in mission area on 19-25 September 2017.
The aim of the EUPST II programme is to build up police capabilities such as interoperability (cooperation), harmonisation (standardisation) and an international network. These capabilities are required to participate in international crisis management operations of the European Union, the United Nations, the African Union and other international organisations. The programme comprises larger exercises, task-specific training programmes and academic knowledge transfer.
The members of the EUPST II consortium are: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, European Police Academy (CEPOL), Finland, France, Italy, The Netherlands (Royal Netherlands Marechaussee), The Netherlands (National Police Force), Poland, Portugal, Romania (Jandarmeria), Romania (police), Spain (Guardia Civil), Spain (police), United Kingdom
The integration and preparation of police forces from various European countries participating in European Union crisis management missions was the main goal of the five-day exercise that took place at the Police School in Slupsk, Poland on 3-7 October 2016.
The training scope was tactical rescue in situations threatening the lives and health of mission personnel and was designed for a group of 45 law enforcement officers (police and gendarmes) from the European Union. The programme included theoretical issues, exchange of mission experience and practical exercises whose aim was to assist policemen and gendarmes in better preparation for the mission.